They will crash the economy. It’s our job to be set up with the next economy.

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The telling takeaway from the TikTok / Red Book moment - Americans directly speaking to average Chinese - was Americans learning that China has a better standard of living on 20% of American GDP. GDP is a false measurement because it includes the billionaires in the average. If we’re having coffee and Elon joins us, our table’s GDP (average) goes through the roof. Elon leaves, and what changed in our finances?

We need new metrics that reveal economic actualities, very simply, that everyone can understand. Then repeat, repeat, repeat relentlessly. There is the battle. If we can ac-count for our situation truly, it’s very clarifying. A problem is half solved by setting it up properly - like a fifth grade arithmetic word problem. From there solutions flow.

I’m pretty convinced that if we were all as smart as fifth graders, and acted on that, we’d be way better off.

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